Rating: 9 Review: Each chapter of the book talks about a mathematical practice. There are strategies and ideas for each that could be modified for any grade level.
Who should read it? Elementary Teachers Middle School Teachers Math Teachers
Rating: READ IT NOW! Review: This book came highly recommended to me by a fellow math person. I also attended a workshop by one of the authors. It is a great guide for teachers who are stepping away from direct instruction.
Who should read it? All teachers and administrators
Rating: 9 Review: Chris Hadfield's book is impossible to put down. He explains how the way to become an astronaut is remarkably similar to the way to live a good life. Favourite chapter: Aim to Be a Zero. Not at all what you think.
Who should read it? Everyone under the sun, or above it.
Rating: 7 Review: Graphic novel based on the early life of philosopher Bertrand Russell. The story introduces lots of mathematical legends such as Frege, Hilbert and Gödel.
Who should read it? High School Teachers Math Teachers Parents Students Anyone who loves graphic novels
Rating: 7 Review: Novel about an autistic boy who knows a lot of mathematics and relates well to animals, but has problems with humans. I especially enjoyed the mathematical tidbits in between chapters. Good for EAL students as the English is simple but the content is not. Also good for anyone who deals with autistic children.
Who should read it? Everyone. Seriously.
Rating: READ IT NOW! Review: Inspiring, relatable on multiple levels, quick read.
Who should read it? Middle School Teachers High School Teachers Math Teachers